lunes, 4 de julio de 2011


Nowadays we listen to talk frequently about APIs, API of Facebook, Twitter, and PayPal.

In order to understand in a right way what is an API, API are the letters for “Application Programming Interface”. An interface is “is a tool and concept that refers to a point of interaction between components, and is applicable at the level of both hardware and software”

In a very simple way is a set of structured code that permits the interaction with the properties and elements in the other side (equipment, a website, an application). In this sense we have the API for Facebook and others.

This is very important understand it because the programmer have to write code considering the different types of APIs. The APIs also has been adequated to the different languages that we use to program. On this way there are APIs of Facebook for PHP, ASP Classic, for ASP.NET, etc.

This type of code can be modified for us in order to adequate it to our needs of interaction. Is important to observer that APIs are channels to technologies and that the technologies has modifications all the time. For this reason our preferred API can suffer modifications in order to be operative.

Could be write a book for every type of API, in the next article about APIs I begin to talk about API of PHP but before this would be necessary to talk more about classes.

See you soon.