lunes, 4 de julio de 2011


Nowadays we listen to talk frequently about APIs, API of Facebook, Twitter, and PayPal.

In order to understand in a right way what is an API, API are the letters for “Application Programming Interface”. An interface is “is a tool and concept that refers to a point of interaction between components, and is applicable at the level of both hardware and software”

In a very simple way is a set of structured code that permits the interaction with the properties and elements in the other side (equipment, a website, an application). In this sense we have the API for Facebook and others.

This is very important understand it because the programmer have to write code considering the different types of APIs. The APIs also has been adequated to the different languages that we use to program. On this way there are APIs of Facebook for PHP, ASP Classic, for ASP.NET, etc.

This type of code can be modified for us in order to adequate it to our needs of interaction. Is important to observer that APIs are channels to technologies and that the technologies has modifications all the time. For this reason our preferred API can suffer modifications in order to be operative.

Could be write a book for every type of API, in the next article about APIs I begin to talk about API of PHP but before this would be necessary to talk more about classes.

See you soon.

lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

Web applications development

The next main aspects have to be considered at the time to develop a Web Application.


Human Resource

Infrastructure is the physical plant for develop the project and install the server to test applications.At the same time Infrastructure have to elements: Hardware and Software.

Generally a web application involved the next elements:

Web server

Database Server

Platform of Development: Editors, Libraries, etc.

Platform of Administration: To distribute the development process into the work team, with collaboration tools where can be defined projects and tasks, assign people to them, track and trace them, view to-do lists, etc.

The human resource is the programmer that could be specialized in a set of language or techniques like databases administration or several languages.Depending of the experience of the team manager would be necessary or not the quality certification on infrastructure and human resource. For example if I using Microsoft Windows Server for ASP.NET and MSSQL Server and Data Exchange it would be adequate an IBM Netfinity Server , however if the team manager is a rock and roll man in the world of computers its experience is enough to get excellent results in the projects; however, always there are tools and applications like software project management to help the realization of the objectives, there are frees and not frees for example: JIRA, dotProject, PHP-Collab, TeamScope, JXProject, etc.

In next articles I will write about some project managers.

See you soon.

sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

Classes in PHP and Ruby

Hello guys in this opportunity I would like to share this with you.

Ruby and PHP are two languages that have many issues in common. One of theses issues are the classes:

The structure of a class in PHP is the next:

Class classname{


And the structure of a class in Ruby is the next:

Class classname


In PHP we initialize variables in this way:

Class classname {

Public $var;


And the methods are functions of the type:

function myfunction()

The structure of a class for PHP or Ruby has the next parts in according to its depth:

Class name

Definition of Variable (if required)

Functions (in order to establish methods)

Example in PHP:

Class Greetingseverybody {

Function writemytitle()


echo "Hello Guys";


In Ruby on Rails the class structure in on this way:

Class name

initializacion of variables(if required)

methods (with the structure Def....End)

Example in Ruby:

Class Greetingseverybody Controller

mytitle="The title I want"

def writemytitle

puts mytitle


This in general the structure of a class in PHP and in Ruby on Rails. In next articles I will write more in depth about classes in PHP and classes in Ruby. Also about the tools to use in order to write better code PHP and Ruby on Rails.

See you soon...

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Welcome to "Only a Coder"

It is a blog dedicated to programmers who want to share their doubts, their experiences and visions. Who writes and creates this blog has more than 12 years of experience in software development and has had the opportunity to work alongside doctors in Engineering and industrial experts and top management people from other key sectors of the world in which we live. And one of the lessons I've learned from all this is that the world in political crisis, economic and religious is dying and that the world there is a new world entering to a new era of information technology not only as technology but as a culture.

The peak of the iceberg is not defined by the prophet or wizard, or religious leader. The peak of the Iceberg is defined by the analyst with his software tools supported by the programmer who is practically the new priest of the modern era. The temples of the Middle Age and of other times ceased to exist, evolved to a new way that the world not yet assimilated. Clubs and associations of programmers are modern meeting places what was once the cathedral builders, the dogma is dying, the paradigm emerges.

In the middle of all the programmer is not the being who has the knowledge, is the being that possesses the techniques and is updated almost daily, has become the catalyst for new technologies: systems of measurement, navigation, combat, communications etc. Much like the prophet of old was familiar with the nature and mind of the man.

There is no longer the oracle of Delfos, there are now statistics of Crystal Ball with their standard deviations and equations of Poison, and the key to understanding languages are not the Latin and Greek languages, although the have not lost their importance, compete with C, PHP, Ruby or Java, among others.

In the middle of all this, the humility and simplicity play a fundamental factor. The arrogant society trapped in a degree or diploma can not exist in this new era, in which the dynamics does not belongs only to the website of DHTML or AJAX, but the world itself is dynamic. The bricks of this new era are for to mark and trace the patterns of progress through technology and a large part of it touches the computer.

New generations of young computer geniuses are not people with a jacket and tie or full of titles that hang on the walls, are young in a very honest way they show that the foundation of everything is based on experience and on practice and in the learning and not on the policy recommendation or dress you wear, the appearance that is part of the evil that is dying.

We stand for the future, each day one step along the path of progress.